
He had been waiting for his daughter to come home from her date, and when she did he instructed her to sit with him. 

“You look all dressed up,” he said, running his hand down her face and shoulder. “The boy you are seeing must be somebody pretty special.”

“N… no Dad, not really,” she stammered, “He’s just a nice guy from college I like.”

“Oh really?” snarled her Dad, his jealousy building, “Nice, huh? Is that what you want from a man? Nice?” And then he wrapped his hand around his daughter’s hair and pulled her down towards him.


She moaned and looked at her father adoringly – she loved it when he got like this.

“And did this nice boy kiss you?” hissed her Dad.

“A… a little,” she whispered.

“I see… but I bet he didn’t kiss you like this.” And then she melted as her father cupped her face with surprising tenderness, and he passionately kissed his daughter.


Her father then spoke softly: “Did he undress you kitten?

“No Dad,” she whispered. “We didn’t go that far.”

“I see. What a shame he didn’t see that sexy lingerie you bought specially for the night… oh yes, baby, I know all about the nice things you wear underneath your clothes. Let’s take a look now!”

And he began undressing his trembling daughter.


He learned over her daughter and ran his hand over her panties. He grinned, “What a shame this nice boy wasn’t able to discover just how wet you get when a man looks at you.”

She didn’t say a word, and she just breathed heavily as her father touched her.


“Now,” he said, tugging at her bra strap, “I want to see you naked.” 

In stunned and aroused silence, she helped her father undress her.


He pushed his daughter onto her back and lay down on top of her grinning like a madman. She simply looked up at him in completely submissive acceptance. This wasn’t how she had planned tonight to end, but deep down inside she knew it’s what she had long wanted.


“Darling,” he said gently to his daughter. It doesn’t seem fair that you’re naked and I’m not. Have you ever seen a man naked?”

She looked worryingly up at her father, “Um… Dad… I…”

He laughed, “Don’t worry babygirl, you’re an attract young women, so of course you have. But I bet you’ve never seen an older man like me. A real man.”

She could barely talk, she was so mesmerized by the sight of her father undressing, “No, Daddy, no I haven’t. Oh my God…”

“It’s big isn’t it,” her father said as he pumped his hard cock in his hand, “I know you’re not a virgin, but you about to feel like one again.”

And then he placed his cock at the entrance of his daughter’s cunt, and he thrust himself inside her.


“Oh shit honey,” he said, his heart overflowing with love as he fucked his daughter, “I’m sorry I get so jealous, I just want you to be all mine!”

“I know Daddy,” she moaned, “It’s okay. I’m all yours. Forever.”

But he wanted to make sure. He had to be certain: “Are you on birth control baby?”

“No, I’m not Daddy, no…”

They both instantly knew what was going to happen, and just the act of thinking about it made them both cum. She bit her hand to stifle her scream as he flooded her fertile womb with the same cum that once gave her life.


He gave his cock a few finally jerks and she placed her hand between her legs to feel the small trickle of her father’s cum that hadn’t made its way deep inside her body. They both knew that something magical had happened tonight.

“No more dates. Mine forever,” he said, looking down at his impregnated daughter.

“All yours Daddy, I’m all yours.”

By request

Can you make one where the daughter went on a first date with a boy, then her father asks about the date, then gets jealous and fucks her.